
When you contract research services there is no guarantee that the needed supporting records exist or are accessible. However, research undertaken for each client is planned and executed as efficiently as possible. Compensation is for the time spent planning, researching, analyzing and reporting the findings.


             Contracted Research Services                              $135 USD / hour
             Writing & Publishing                                               $135 / hour
             DIY (Do It Yourself) Consulting                             $135 / hour
             Instruction: One-on-One                                        $135 / hour
             Instruction: Group Sessions                                  $40 / hour, per attendee
             Lecture/Speaking Engagements                           Negotiable
             Mileage                                                                      $0.67 per mile (IRS 2024 business rate)
             Travel Time                                                               No charge if less than 1 hr., round-trip**
             Expenses                                                                    Billed at cost*

*Each expense exceeding $30 is supported by receipts, provided with your invoice. Expenses for travel requiring overnight stays are always pre-approved by the client. Travel expenses which can be shared by multiple clients, requiring research in the same area, will be conducted when possible to reduce each client’s expenses.

**Trips exceeding 1 hr. round-trip are billed at the hourly rate, and no mileage charges are billed.



A retainer of 50% is required with each contracted research, writing, or publishing engagement.

Instruction and lecture services require a 50% retainer, which may be waived in lieu of a properly executed, institutional purchase order.


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